Saturday, July 07, 2007

Independence Day

In honor of Independence Day (sorry it's late) I am suggesting a visit to this website : This is a non-profit organization started just 2 years ago by a family I know through church and have become very close with. In fact, I now work for Ben as a home health care aide. This family is making huge strides to achieve for these young adults what most of us take for granted every day. Independence. Many have fought and died to make and keep this country free, and yet here at home having a physical handicap keeps many from living a self-directed life. The good, no GREAT news is : after only 2 years the Foundation has been able to purchase a house that three on the their long list of young adults will be able to move into after a couple of adjustments! Also achieved:a Power Wheelchair Soccer League, a transportation program, 2 wheelchair access van donations, a transportation program, college scholarships awarded and many other life changing steps. Other big projects are in the works. The heart breaking news is that these changes don't always come fast enough. This is near and dear to my heart and I hope it touches yours.