Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More Games

Another kids game. One that predicts the future. First, that lovely little folded paper thingy that you count and swish and unfold to get the answer. How do you fold those anyway? Second, M.A.S.H. No not the TV show. This one stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack or House. You choose 4 potential spouses, 4 numbers and 4 types of motor vechiles. Then your 81/2 year old son predicts your future. I will be marring Daniel Craig, having 8 children, living in a Mansion and driving a VW Bus! Thankfully, the 2 boys I have count and I'm allowed to adopt the other 6.("Although, it would be fun to have 6 babies around the mansion!" - Andrew). I did ask what I would do with my husband, the relpy was : "Throw him out in the snow!" Well, okay then.


Lady Epiphany said...

Seems as though you're going to be busy for a little while then...

Have you seen that show on TLC with the family with 16 kids?!

karen said...

Bethi's pictures from the Blizzard of '77 are pretty timely, then. If you guys don't have much snow down when Daniel Craig arrives, maybe you can call up Bethi's message and toss Joe toward the screen?

@epiphany: I've seen that show and I want to know what drugs they're on. All of them! Who has 15 kids in a three bedroom, one bathroom place while they spend seven years building their own bigger house? Who homeschools while doing that? And they all look so happy and calm! Can you imagine the havoc if my pair were given their own power drivers? :)

Anonymous said...

1.) they STILL play those games???? lol! i think i could still make a folding fortune teller :)

2.) your kids are OLD enough to PLAY those games? life gets scarier everyday! lol...

Fraukow said...

I haven't seen the show - but UGG! I think my mother-in-law is amazing for having kept her sanity with 10!
@sister k - can't believe my kids are that old either - swear it was yesterday when I tried to play the same game with my Mom!