Monday, June 25, 2007


Ah Summer, time for outdoor projects like gardening. I am pleased to say we actually have something growing besides weeds! We even have some new things given to us by a friend who needed to thin her garden out! Instant gratification when putting in full grown plants to an enpty space! Joe has also been VERY hard at work digging a four foot deep trench to install our water line - and will be hooking us up to city water tomorrow! He will also be putting a new roof on the garage and finishing the last corner of the clubhouse! And what are the boys up to you might ask. Making mud mountains out of the dirt from the trench, catching crayfish in the creek, being forced to clean out a messy playroom, and finally being allowed to sleep out on the sun porch with Molly! I remember wondering why my parents spent so much time working outdoors all summer long, when the should be playing. I get it now why they didn't and why my kids are irritated that I'm busy mowing, weeding and hanging laundry! I plan to take time to veg, hope you do too! (Yes Lucas actually fell asleep that way!)

1 comment:

karen said...

I'm not sure who looks more content!