Monday, June 04, 2007

Wet and Wonderful

Joy can be found in many small ways!

Jumping in mud puddles the 1st Sunday June!

Glad for the much needed rain!

Finding a good place to hide from the thunder!

(dog under desk)

Ideas approached skeptically, turn out to be good!

(Hubby wanted the mutton's in, I wasn't so sure.)

Remodeling approaching the finish line!

Three hour naps on a rainy afternoon!

(Thanks guys for letting Mommy sleep!)

Quiet in the house, while everyone enjoys their books

(except for the occasional interruption when we needed

to share a funny part!)

Good books to read!

Perfect things to snack on! (popcorn)

A good laugh before bedtime! (Thanks AFV!)

A good scratch on the back for a hard working hubby

who's sunburn has gotten itchy!

Glad to be right where I am at the end of the day!


karen said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful weekend! The curtains look great, too. I like the muttons in the way you have them - Joe had a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh, to be a child again...