Thursday, May 03, 2007


I received a paper postcard in the mail yesterday with the green recycle logo on one side. The other side states : "HELP PRESERVE OUR ENVIRONMENT!" "DON'T FORGET TO RECYCLE!" (magazines, aluminum, newspapers, paper, plastic, glass) and a 1800 number to call for more info. Is it me or does mailing paper to umpteen million people seem to defeat the purpose it's trying to promote? Is this what I pay taxes to accomplish?


Anonymous said...

LOL - you're so right! this reminds me of the time when AOL would send out thousands, and thousands of CD's to people.

There were a group of people that collected a few thousand and then mailed them BACK to AOL! Hilarious...

karen said...

UGH! The same thing infuriates me here. We get SO much junk mail...if we only had important mail delivered, the postman would only have to come twice a week.

As for the AOL CDs...we had neighbors who tied them up around their fenced garden, one about every foot, dangling from fishline. They made fabulous bird deflectors! Their garden had the best berries and a sparkly upper border. :)

Fraukow said...

our pre-school collected them and then had the kids turn them into mobiles. but doesn't make you wonder how many people fell for it and signed up for AOL?

Lady Epiphany said...

There is a training program that one can complete to learn how to give Al Gore's lecture about global warming. I attended one at a PTO meeting a few days before Earth Day. Our borough had five or six separate events that happened on Earth Day, and our mayor attended the meeting to promote them, and gave us each a cloth shopping bag with a CFL bulb in it and a memo about the event. One of the moms handed it back, having already received a copy of the memo for each of her 4 kids.

Fraukow said...

I starting using my kids school work as scrap paper and printer paper. It may not save alot, but it's a start.