Thursday, August 24, 2006


I love movies. Really love movies. I'll watch almost anything. I dislike horror or really creepy movies, but I've even seen a fair share of those. I like when movies have a good effect on your mood. Laughter really is a powerful medicine. I like when movies get you thinking. Who would you sleep with for $1 million dollars? What if you could erase parts of your memory? Can men and women truly be just friends? I love the whole process of movies. I like going to the theatre, eating popcorn and reacting along with a group of strangers. I like receiving them in the mail and being comfy on the couch to watch them. I love watching award shows and reading reviews. I like introducing different things to my kids. Who would have thought they would really get into a Bollywood musical with subtitles and a romantic plot? How can you not love their hysterical laughter at The Batman Movie? But sometimes a movie hits you below the belt. Usually it's when your mood is low or reflective. Sometimes is makes you wonder who you are, why you do what you do, and whether or not you can really consider yourself a good person. Sometimes it makes you truly appreciate the life you have, really see all your blessings. And sometimes it just makes you remember what it was like when your life was in a similar place. I've become the type of person who is focused on not purposely adding negative things to her life. I am trying to choose to look at things in a positive light. It's hardly as though I will never complain, or refuse to see that there is alot wrong in the world, but I will not go out and read or watch things that will purposely be adding to the already to many evil images stored in my memory. It's not naive, just trying to choose being happy. Because happy really is a choice.


karen said...

You're right - happy *is* a choice...and as for your deviled egg carrier, my eyebrows (when I have any) are NOT penciled in!!

karen said...

You're right - happy *is* a choice...and as for your deviled egg carrier, my eyebrows (when I have any) are NOT penciled in!!

karen said...

You're right - happy *is* a choice...and as for your deviled egg carrier, my eyebrows (when I have any) are NOT penciled in!!

karen said...

You're right - happy *is* a choice...and as for your deviled egg carrier, my eyebrows (when I have any) are NOT penciled in!!

Fraukow said...

I guess the posting finally worked

karen said...

I guess it did! I still get an error message when I try to post...but now I'll ignore it and not try posting again (and again, again, again, and again...)!