Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crabby Mama!

Why is it that stepping on a Lego in every room of the house makes me fly into a rage?! I have banned TV, DS and Computer for at least the rest of today and possibly longer depending on how well the boys clean! I am the only person who cleans this house and I am no longer willing to be! I'm not the one who pees on the toilet! The Lego's aren't my toys! The new heater for the downstairs bathroom doesn't need to be left on my dining room sideboard! The weather is colder and sweatshirts and heavy coats are all over my kitchen! Laundry baskets are so full they reach the basement ceiling! I am about to go on strike, except that I have to finish cooking potatoes to take to our sister church whom we are serving dinner to today! I hate when I get in whiny crabby mama mode!


karen said...

I hate days like that...

I find that announcing I will throw out anything I find in an inappropriate place (say, toys on the dining table), gets a much better buy-in to the whole putting things away bit. It doesn't work immediately, but boy is it ever effective after I throw the first few items out!

Fraukow said...

I have the "I'm getting a shovel and a garbage bag!" speech down pat!